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The Midwest Book Review Book Reviews, Book Lover Resources, Advice for Writers and Publishers
A methodology steeped in the Buddhist tradition, August 5, 2005
Reviewer: Midwest Book Review (Oregon, WI USA) - See all my reviews

Also available in a paperback edition , The Here & Now Meditation: A Quick And Effective Way To Overcome Suffering by meditation experts Mimi Khuc and Thanh-Trieu Nguyen will enable the reader to understand the basic principles and techniques of meditation, and fields common beginner questions in plain language. Chapters briefly describe the basic "here and now" concepts of meditation, how to enter Stillness, new perspectives that can be awakened through meditation, from earning freedom from the bondage of criticism to embracing the value of unconditional love. The Here & Now Meditation is a methodology steeped in the Buddhist tradition, though not the same as the "No-Mind" path, and focuses primarily on helping beginners understand how to use meditation to tame their raging desires and chaotic thoughts. It does not claim to be the final authority on meditation, only a beginning path that any reader can learn from, and stresses that the Truth must be experienced and discovered for oneself. Highly recommended, particularly to meditation neophytes.





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The Here & Now Meditation: - An exceptional book

A Quick and Effective Way to Overcome Suffering

The Here & Now Meditation:
A Quick and Effective Way to Overcome Suffering
Thanh-Trieu Nguyen, Mimi Khuc

Here & Now Publishing
128 Pages
ISBN 0976349116, Trade Paperback, $11.95
ISBN 0976349108, Hardcover, $16.95
ISBN 0976349124, Ebook (pdf), $6.50
Nov 30, 2004
The Here & Now Meditation:

With a progression from an outline, to a small booklet, to a free ebooklet in five languages, The Here & Now Meditation is now a mature book, ready to raise awareness in both the novice and experienced meditator. Regardless of your reason for meditating, Khuc and Nguyen take the mystery out of the practice, make it a practical exercise and create a “read for both the knowledge obtained through the mind and the wisdom found by the heart.” Ultimately, this book is for anyone, anywhere and anytime and each chapter builds on the process of meditation.

Endless examples help explain how the mind dysfunctions with repetitive thoughts from the past, worries about the future and the way it sometimes defies reason or logic by applying differing views. After a short summary, reinforcement continues to explain the how and what of a sitting and sleeping meditation. In anticipation of possible comparisons to other meditation practices, the emphasis of the book is non-struggle, time effective, simple and it is compatible with other spiritual and religious traditions.

Dozens of short, powerful anecdotes give a variety of perspectives on different life situations to fulfill the book's goal: give the reader “the ability to liberate us from suffering.” Consider the message in the story Changing Places; “Last night on the news, I watched a man waiting on death row. I knew he committed crimes but as I looked deeply into his numb and staring eyes, I couldn’t help wondering: If I were in his place, how would I feel right now?” This type of meditation claims a path to lasting happiness and connectedness if the meditator chooses to put the practice into daily use.

As the process continues, the purpose and focus change from using the meditation to achieve stillness, to using the meditation to heal and relax, manage stress and slow the aging process. This discussion ends when the authors encourage the reader to take pictures before and after to see the progress of slowing the aging process. Chapter six poses various questions a meditation master might ask. These all follow the same path to the belief throughout the book that, “Methods are tools, and some tools fit some people’s hands better than others."

Chapter seven covers more questions, and gives answers, from the most simple to the most advanced. The questions with answers, progress from “When practicing the Here & Now who is telling the mind …” to, “What is spiritual cultivation? Is this meditation a form of spiritual cultivation?”

The final chapter, a summary of key points and tips, reinforces the sincerity of the larger vision of the authors. “Once you have found Stillness within yourself (with whatever method you prefer),” then nurture it to grow a deeper understanding and compassion, to give the individual and the world, true happiness.


Patricia Weber





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